- Creating project IDs in sequence
- Adding ongoing projects to BQE CORE
- Setting up opening balance for projects
- Understanding contracts, budgets, and billability
- Contract types for professional services
- Including expenses in contract amount
- Customizing project templates
- Setting custom status for projects
- Making inactive projects active
- Setting up rules for projects
- Adding custom fields to projects
- Batch assigning projects to groups
- Batch assigning employees to projects
- Setting up assignments for projects
- Limiting employees, activities and expenses on projects
- Handling project negotiations
- Tracking project proposals
- Workflow for estimating project fees
- Setting up budgets
- Project billing workflow
- Setting billing contacts for projects
- Using billing schedules
- Setting up split billing
- Using classifications in fee schedules
- Showing project memos on invoices
- Showing all project phases on phased invoices
- Handling change orders
- Dependent tasks in Allocation & Forecasting
- Remaining allocated hours
- Splitting allocations into multiple weeks