BQE Technical Support

Your subscription to BQE CORE includes assistance via email and phone support, besides access to a help center and community forum for self-service.

BQE Technical Support not only provides assistance with CORE-related questions and issues, but can also assist with some issues related to other software that we integrate with. However, if an error comes up on an application outside of CORE, you should refer to the customer support for that application. For example, errors that occur within QuickBooks, though it can occur while integrating with our software, should be handled by Intuit Support. Or if you get a Microsoft error message, CORE Support will refer you to their IT person or Microsoft Support for further assistance.

Support Tickets

You can submit a support ticket to our Support Team in case of any issues or questions related to CORE. Support tickets can be submitted in-app via the CORE Resource Center or from here. When a support ticket is created, it is routed to our Support Team and you receive a ticket (case) number for future reference and tracking. You can view all your support tickets and ticket history on the My Support Tickets page from your user menu.

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Phone Support

You can contact Technical Support via phone (US number +1 310-602-4030) when needed. You can also call support directly from the in-app call button, which can be accessed from the CORE Resource Center.

In case you need to call support internationally, you can find the relevant phone number on our Support website.