Report Center


When you want deeper insights into your business, BQE CORE has an array of reports at your disposal. Reports can be generated directly from the screens (in-context reports) or from the main Report Center screen.

Report Center allows you to easily add, configure, and run reports. The report templates include the base reports that you can configure and customize as per your requirements. Report templates are categories in groups of closely-related reports, searchable and segregated with tags. CORE also allows you to save your custom reports in the Report Templates list. 

You can apply filters and set display options for your reports. The reports display the applied filters on them to add more context to the information. Most reports display grand totals at the end and allow you to drill down into the details. CORE displays the breadcrumb trail to enhance accessibility and improve the visibility of reports within the reports hierarchy or folders. Click to watch a video on running reports in CORE.

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Besides the screen-level security, you can make reports dealing with critical data more secure by assigning report-level security to the users in your company. CORE then displays those reports accordingly based on their subscription package. 

The default view of Report Center might displays two tabs, depending on whether you have any saved or scheduled reports in there.

  • Saved Reports

    These are the report configurations that you have saved, so you can run these reports with a single click. Your own reports, as well as those created by others in your company and shared with you are all listed here. You can run these reports directly from here or take other actions on them using the row-action menu.

  • Scheduled Reports

    These are reports that you set for automatic generation and delivery to specific people (individuals and groups) at a scheduled frequency. CORE saves any filters or parameters you use while scheduling reports. They are private to the user who creates them, but can be shared with others in the company, if required. CORE does not allow anyone other than the report owner to edit or delete the scheduled reports. However, it allows you to add new report schedules to an existing group if that is set as shared. 

You can have BQE Software create custom reports for your unique company needs and add them to your CORE database by emailing You can access them from the Report Center > Saved Reports tab.

Field Descriptions

How To

Add and Configure Reports

Apply Report Filters

Clone Reports

Schedule Reports

Print Reports

Export Reports

Email Reports

Send Reports for eSign

Use Custom Reports

Mark Screen as Favorite


Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description

Report Center > Saved Reports >

Report Name

Name of the saved report configuration.

Note: BQE CORE gives you the ability to adjust the width of the Saved Reports Folders column. This helps you to quickly identify folders with long names without having to hover over them.


User who created the report is the report owner. Other users cannot delete or edit reports that you have created as the owner of the reports. As a report owner, you have the ability to assign a new owner for the report. 

View Access

Reports can be tagged as Only Me (wherein only you can access it), Company (others in the company with relevant security permissions can also access it), or Specific People (only specific CORE users will have access to the report). The Only Me flag is only visible to the creator of the report. 

Show Reports Shared with Me

This is a toggle button that allows you to display reports shared with you by others. This button only affects the visibility of shared reports without altering the overall count of reports in each folder. By default, this option is turned on. 

Report Center > Configure Report > 

Folders help you categorize different reports and group similar or related reports together. You can choose whether to save the new report under an existing report folder or create a new folder from scratch.

Set Filters

Select the filters for the data you want to display on your report.

Set View Access

CORE allows you to choose who runs, views, and configures the reports. You can tag a report as Only Me (wherein only you can access it), Company (others in the company with relevant security permissions can also access it), or Specific People (only specific CORE users will have access to the report). You can give ownership of reports to other users by selecting them from the Ownership drop-down. This allows the selected users to configure and remove reports, if needed. The users assigned to these report have the same privileges and access as the report owner. Company admins have owner access to reports shared with them.

The Only Me flag is only visible to the creator of the report. By default, this option is checked so that the report is only accessible to you

Reset to the default filters and options

You can reset filters and display options to their default configurations.

Report Center > Scheduled Reports >

Schedule/Report Name

Displays the name of the saved scheduled report.


Displays the time, frequency, and end date of your saved scheduled report.

Edit Access

Displays who has permission to access and edit the scheduled reports. 

Report Center > Schedule Report >

Unnamed Schedule

Allows you to enter a new name for the scheduled report. The name can be of up to 100 characters.


CORE allows you to schedule a report for automatic delivery to the selected recipient. You can create a new schedule for the selected report or add it to an existing schedule.

Frequency represents the occurrence at which the scheduled report is delivered to specific people (individuals and groups). You can set the frequency as daily, weekly, monthly, etc. CORE allows you to schedule weekly reports to run on a specific day each week with customizable intervals. It also allows you to schedule monthly reports on a specific day of the month based on either a particular calendar date or a specific day of the specific week.

It also displays the start day and time (when you want CORE to automatically send out reports to specific people) and the end date.


You can email the report to a specific person, employee or client by selecting that in the Email Recipients field. 

Subject: CORE pre-fills the subject line of the email with a system-generated text:
"Scheduled Report: <Attachment Name>, Schedule Frequency: <Frequency>".

E.g., "Scheduled Report: Activity.pdf, Schedule Frequency: Monthly"

Message: The message to be sent is entered in the main body of the email. You can edit it using the formatting toolbar.

Access You can choose who gets to access and edit the scheduled reports. You can set access as Administrators and me (wherein only you and your company administrators can view and edit the schedule) or Company (others in the company can also access it).
Report Center > Email > Compose Email >
To You can send an email to multiple recipients and also copy them using the CC and BCC options. You can click on the Choose Contact icon to open the Address Book and select multiple individuals or groups to email. This limit is 50 recipients at a time.
Subject Subject line of the email. You can also insert smart fields into it using the Add Smart Field option on the right.
Message Body of the email. It can be entered and edited using the formatting toolbar.


Add and Configure Reports

The Saved Reports tab displays a list of reports added by you as well as those shared with you. These reports are either organized within folders or listed separately. All folder consists of all reports that are either added by you or shared with you. Each report has options that allow you to configure settings and filters that control how the report looks. 

To add a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Add and Configure Reports.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, click Start Report to view default report templates. Alternatively, you can access this screen from the side menu > Reports by clicking the Add+ icon. 
  3. On the Select Template screen, choose a template from the Templates list. Some reports appear in groups of related reports. You can preview the selected report sample on the right and read its description at the top.

    Add and Configure Reports 2.png

    Note: The sample report does not contain actual data.
  4. You can use Filter templates by area to narrow your search results for the report. As an example, click on the filter templates Employee and Time & Expense to find report templates that have both data. You also have an option to search for any report in the Search Templates box at the top.
  5. When you have selected the report template you want, click Configure Report on the top-right.
  6. Enter a name for your report configuration and also select the relevant Folder from the drop-down. You can also create a new folder here.

    Add and Configure Reports.png

  7. Next, set up filters and display options to see selective data on your report. All report viewing options are consolidated in the Set Display Options section for easier access and navigation. Click Icon 2.png
    to remove a filter. 
    Note: The default output format is set to Viewer, but you can change it to Excel, PDF or Word.
  8. Specify the View Access for your reports to determine who can access this report. Check out Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Only Me
    • Company
    • Specific People
    • Ownership
  9. Click Save. A new report is created and you can view it on the Saved Reports tab. CORE allows you to rename or delete reports (or report folders) from here. Click Cancel to go back to the Saved Reports tab. You can access additional configuration options such as clone, schedule, etc. from the ... menu. 
  10. Click Run. The report displays in the viewer on another tab or window.

Apply Report Filters

All CORE reports have filters and display options available so that you can control how the reports look. For instance, if you want your expense reports to be grouped by project or employee or if you want to see expenses for a specific client only, such options are provided. CORE offers groups and custom fields as filters. CORE also remembers your filter settings and display options for future use. The filter settings are saved and available the next time you configure the same report. It improves the efficiency by allowing you to access preferred report configurations. It also reduces repetitive selections of filters and display options. CORE reports print the applied filters on each report to add more context to the information.

To apply filters on a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Apply Report Filters.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list. 
  3. Click the row-action menu ellipsis 1.png to select Configure. This allows you to apply filters before previewing the report.
  4. On the Configure Report screen, under Set Filters and Set Display Options, select the relevant filters (say Group By or Date) and options.

    Reset Filters.png
  5. Click Reset to default filters and options to reset filters and display options to their default configurations.
  6. Click Save or Run to display it in the viewer.

Note: By default, profit and loss reports are based on the fiscal year, but you can change that by applying date filters. 

Clone Reports

You can clone or copy reports to save time in creating new ones. You can clone an existing report to make changes without altering the original. 

To clone a report in CORE, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Apply Report Filters.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list and click the row-action menuellipsis 1.png to select Clone.
  3. Click Shape 1.png to rename the (Clone) report. Choose a folder wherein you want to save the cloned report. You can create a new folder or choose None if you want the cloned report to be displayed in the report list without a folder.

    Clone Report.png

  4. Next, you can change the filter and display options of the report as per your requirements. 
  5. Click Save to save the changes to the cloned report or click Run to display it in the viewer on another tab or window. Click Cancel to go back to the Saved Reports tab.

Schedule Reports

CORE reports can be scheduled to be delivered at any time chosen by you. The reports are delivered as per the user's time zone (based on regional settings). You can see all the scheduled reports listed on the Scheduled tab of Reports Center. CORE automatically deletes the expired schedules after one week if these are not deleted manually by you (the scheduler).  

Note: You can schedule a maximum of 40 reports company-wide in CORE.

To schedule a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Apply Report Filters.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list.
  3. In the list view, click the row-action menu ellipsis 1.png to select Schedule. You can also do so from the Configure Report screen.
  4. On the Schedule Report screen, choose your Schedule options:
    • Create new schedule
    • Add report to existing schedule

      Reports schedule.png

  5. Based on your selection, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
      • Start/End Date
      • Frequency
      • Time
  6. You can email the report to a specific person, employee or client (or their groups). Select the Recipients or search for them from the drop-down list. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
  7. Enter a Subject line and Message, if needed.
  8. You can choose who gets to run and edit the schedule under Access (Administrators/me/Company). Check Field Descriptions above for details.
  9. Click Schedule. The scheduled report is displayed on the Scheduled tab. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
  10. On the Scheduled tab, you can click the row-action menu ellipsis 1.png on a report group to view, edit, email, or remove the scheduled report group. 

    Schedule report 3.png

Note: You can use Reconcile if the report server fails or becomes unresponsive. It re-schedules the reports and sends out the scheduled email. Reconcile runs the schedule again only for the reports that had problems and did not run. This option is available under the ellipsis 1.png drop-down menu only if that drop-down is opened using Ctrl + click.

Print Reports

CORE reports print the applied filters on each report to add more context to the information.

To print a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Print Reports.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list, and click Run.
  3. The report displays in the viewer. You can make changes to the report options by clicking the  Configure icon.png icon on the toolbar. 

    Report 5.png

  4. Click the Print Icon.png icon on the toolbar to open the report in the PDF viewer from where you can download or print it.
  5. Alternatively, you can right-click on the report and select Print. Check Viewer for details.

Export Reports

CORE allows you to export reports to other formats such as PDF, Word, Excel or CSV. The Export feature for Microsoft Excel handles numeric and currency fields. You can use the Excel output to create summary columns or add your own formula in case of selected reports like Contract Analysis, Account Transactions, and Profit & Loss reports.

To export a report in CORE, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Apply Report Filters.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list and click the row-action menuellipsis 1.png to select Export.
  3. You can choose from the options and export to another format (PDF, Word or Excel). It displays in the relevant program or prompts you to save the file.
  4. If you open any CORE report in the viewer, there you can click export_options_icon.png on the toolbar to export it to another format (PDF, Word, Excel or CSV).

    Export Reports 2.png

  5. An export file is created and saved on your system at the default download location, say your desktop. Click to open the file.

Email Reports

To email a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Apply Report Filters.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list. 
  3. On the list view, click the row-action menu ellipsis 1.png to select Email (this option is also available on other screens). You can email reports in different formats (PDF, Word or Excel).
  4. On the Compose Email screen, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • To
    • Subject
    • Message

      Email Reports 2.png

  5. Click Add Attachments if you want to attach any other files to the report from your computer or any cloud storage. You can also drag-and-drop any file into the Compose Email window from your desktop or email program.
  6. Click Send Message.

If the email is sent to an address that is no longer working, there is a bounce-back email sent to let you know about this. You can also check the detailed video on emailing in CORE.

Note: You cannot remove the default or system attachments. Only user-defined attachments can be added or removed. CORE restricts the file size of the attachments to 10 MB and sends the attachments as a single zipped file.

Send Reports for eSign

You can send various reports to your external clients, employees or other contacts to be reviewed and signed electronically via DocuSign. For that, you must have first connected CORE to your company's DocuSign account via the Integrations screen.

To send a report for eSignature, follow these steps:

  1. Open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    e-sign new.png
  2. On the Saved Reports tab, select any report from the list. 
  3. On the list view, click the row-action menu ellipsis 1.png to select eSign. (This option is not available if your CORE account is not connected to a DocuSign account.)
  4. On the Configure Report screen, you can set filters and display options.

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  5. Click eSign.
  6. On the eSign -Email Details dialog, choose the To recipients or contacts to whom you want to send the report via DocuSign.

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  7. You can review and customize the email message, if needed. It is prefilled with the email details from the Integrations > DocuSign Settings screen.
  8. At the bottom, select your Save Options. You can specify where you want to save the signed copy of the document, say Company (as a company document) or Specific Record (as a document of an individual record of a specific entity). CORE remembers this selected location for the next time a report of that type is sent out for eSignatures.
  9. Click the relevant option:

    • Send: Clicking the ‘Send’ button sends the report to all recipients. If multiple recipients are selected, each recipient receives a copy or version of the report to sign.

    • Send with Preview: If you choose to preview the report before sending, you are redirected to the DocuSign editor embedded in a new CORE tab. From there you can make adjustments to the DocuSign report like adding, removing, and rearranging tags throughout the report.


  10. CORE displays the progress bar and opens the report in the Send for eSignature screen.

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  11. Here you can insert Standard Fields like Signature, Initials, Date Signed, Name, etc. into your report where needed.
  12. You can take more actions on the report by selecting the relevant option from the Actions menu on the right.
  13. Before sending, you can also preview the report by clicking Recipient Preview on the top-right. Else, click Continue to skip the preview.
  14. Click Send to send the report to the recipients.

The report is then received as an email by the recipients (your contacts), who can then review and sign it electronically. The recipients also receive an email when the action is completed by them. DocuSign informs us via email if the report was reviewed, accepted or declined by the recipients. The signed reports are saved in the specified location.

Use Custom Reports

You can have BQE Software create custom reports for your company and add them to your CORE database. You can then access them from Report Center and enjoy the flexibility of printing, previewing, and scheduling those reports, just like any other report.

To run a custom report:

  1. After having BQE Software create a custom report for you and add it to your CORE database, open Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Use Custom Reports.png

  2. On the Saved Reports tab, click Start Reports.
  3. Click the Custom tag to view all your custom reports in the Templates panel.

    Custom Reports 2.png

  4. Next, click Configure Report to name your report configuration and also select the report folder. You can configure filters and options per your needs to see selective data on your custom report.

    Custom Reports 3.png

  5. Click Save. You can view your custom report on the Saved Reports tab.
  6. Else, click Run. The report displays in the viewer on another tab or window.

Mark Screen as Favorite

You can mark or flag the most-often used and important screens in CORE as your favorites up to a maximum of ten. These favorite screens then display separately on the side menu under the Favorites list. You can manage all your favorite screens in CORE from User Settings.

To mark this screen as your favorite, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Report Center from the side menu > Reports.

    Mark as Fav.png

  2. Click favorites.png on the top-right.
  3. You can access this screen from the side menu under Favorites.

You can also check the detailed video on marking screens as favorite in CORE.