Adding CRM to the BQE CORE account

With BQE CORE CRM, you can use this fully-integrated CRM system within your existing CORE account. To add the CRM package to your CORE account:

  1. Go to Settings > Company > Manage Subscriptions.
  2. Click Add Packages
  3. On the Subscription Packages page, select the relevant CRM package to add to your account and click Add to Cart.
  4. Click Proceed to Checkout.
  5. On the Checkout screen, review your order. Be sure to check the statement 'I agree to the Terms & Conditions.' 
  6. Click Complete Checkout when done. Check CORE Help Center for details.

Assign the subscriptions to your CORE users as you normally would. After that, you can check the security settings of users who have a security profile other than Full Access and Manager to make sure they have security permissions checked for all the relevant CRM features. To make it easier, you might want to create a new security profile by adding your existing security profile and the new CRM profile together.