Project managers accessing other projects

Occasionally, you might need to give employees access to projects other than those assigned to them, such as to a project manager for handling time entries of other projects during another manager's vacation. Here is one way you can provide such access:

  1. As a Full Access user, open the Security Permissions screen from Settings > Access & Permissions.
  2. Select the project manager you are giving access to from the list and click View Details.
  3. Open the Project section and enable the setting Allow access to other managers data. You also must open the Time Entry section and disable Allow access only to entries of projects I manage.
  4. Save when done.
  5. Open the Manage Access screen from Settings > Access & Permissions.
  6. Select the same project manager from the list and click View Details.
  7. Assign the new projects to the manager and enable the Project and Time Entry features under the Apply To section.
  8. Click Update Modules to finish.