Retainer summary and message not visible on invoices

User has checked the option Show retainer summary on invoices and also set a custom Message on Invoice in Settings > Billing & Invoices > Invoice Settings, but neither is visible on the invoices.

BQE CORE displays the retainer summary for only specific Phased, Hourly and Fixed Invoice templates, Invoice templates, so you should make sure that you only use those templates in order to display the retainer summary. You can check the preview and settings of various invoice templates from Settings.

The custom Message on Invoice that you set at the global level in Settings only applies to the new clients and projects that you create. If you want to set this for invoices of existing clients and projects, you need to set it at the client level (Clients > General > Billing Options > Invoice Options) or project level (Projects > Settings > Billing Options > Templates). The message set at the project level takes precedence.