Vendor bill not showing up in invoices

User created a vendor bill and then tried to generate an invoice from its items, but they are not showing up in the Invoices screen.

When you create a vendor bill and manually add time and expense items to it, BQE CORE automatically generates corresponding time and expense entries for the vendor. CORE also prompts you to link any existing time and expense entries to the vendor bill. All these entries need to be approved before they can be invoiced. In order to invoice such entries you need to:

  1. Go to the Time Entries or Expense Entries screen and select Show: Vendor.
  2. Select the relevant vendor from the drop-down. CORE displays all the time or expense entries of that.
  3. Now select the entries that are linked to the vendor bill you created. You can identify these entries by observing their Vendor Bill Number (click More > Show/Hide Columns and check Vendor Bill Number to display this column in the grid).
  4. Make sure you approve all the time or expense entries linked to the vendor bill by selecting Actions > Workflow > Approve. You must have the required security permissions to do this.

When approved, these entries show up when creating invoices for the relevant project. 

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