Unable to reset passwords for employees

User is setting up employee profiles and is unable to set the password. Is the password defaulted to something when creating a new profile and can it be reset?

When you add users to BQE CORE, they receive invitation links to their respective emails. Users set their own passwords, whether they are employers or vendors. They can reset their passwords at any time by going to the Password & Log In screen under the User Settings. Check CORE Help Center for details.

If you or your employees have forgotten the passwords, click on the Forgot Password link on the CORE Sign In page. Use this option to receive an email to your registered email address with the password reset link. After the password is reset, you can log in to your CORE account with your new password. Check CORE Help for details.

Do note that both setting and resetting passwords require the user-linked email address. If you need to change your email address, check CORE Help Center for details.