When you want deeper insights into your business, BQE CORE has an array of reports at your disposal. The Report Center screen is where you can see the complete library of reports available in BQE CORE (more than 120). With so many reports to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones are the most important to run a regular basis and which ones you need to run in certain situations.
CORE offers many reports to help you stay on top of your business. Here are five reports that can be beneficial for your business:
- Personal Time Off Usage - Provides the personal time off (PTO) usage information for employees. Organized by employee or project, the report displays total number of sick, vacation, and comp hours used.
- Time and Expenses - Provides information about time and expenses charged to projects. Organized by project or employee, the report displays time and expense details such as hours and expense units logged, bill amount, etc.
- Project Performance - Provides a quick snapshot of your project accounts. The report displays the account summary, including service and expense amounts, invoices, retainers and payments. For parent projects, it shows the cumulative account details for all their phases.
- Client Retainer Summary - Provides a summary of retainers received from clients. Organized by client, the report displays client and project retainers paid, applied, and remaining.
- Work-in-Hand - Provides information that helps to determine how much work is in hand. Organized by project or client, the report displays a list of projects to be started or completed.
Below is a list of other commonly-used reports in CORE.
Category | Report Name |
Top 5 Reports |
Top Project Management Reports |
Top Time & Expense Tracking Reports |
Top Billing Reports |
Top Accounting Reports |
Top Used Reports |