BQE CORE Add-In for Outlook


BQE CORE Add-In is a web add-in for Microsoft Outlook desktop and web application that allows you to create time entries in CORE from Outlook calendar events and emails. Powered by CORE's robust APIs, it enables you to create time entries from within Outlook, saving your time and making the process more efficient. Whether it is a meeting on your calendar or an email message, you can create time entries from them using this add-in. While creating time entries, it populates some of the fields for the time entry from the meeting or email.

Note: Manage Access and project assignments settings are obeyed when creating time entries from Outlook events and emails.

Field Descriptions

How To

Enable BQE CORE Add-In in Outlook

Sign In to BQE CORE Company

Create Time Entries from Events

Create Time Entries from Emails

Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Outlook Add-In > Time Entry
Employee Displays the employee for whom the time entry is to be created. This field auto-populates with the logged-in user employee record. You can also search for employees with keywords in the search box. As you are typing, BQE CORE Add-In displays all the relevant search results for that record in a drop-down list.
Units/Hours The time duration of the event is pre-filled here by default. The smallest time increment limits from Settings are, however, obeyed when the time entry is created in CORE.
Date This date is pre-filled by the event's start date but can be changed here.
Start Time/End Time This time is pre-filled by the event's start and end time but can be changed here. 
Project Displays the project for the time entry. It remembers your last selection. You can search for projects with keywords in the search box. As you are typing, BQE CORE Add-In displays all the relevant search results for that record in a drop-down list.
Activity Select the activity for the time entry. It remembers your last selection. You can search for activities with keywords in the search box. As you are typing, BQE CORE Add-In displays all the relevant search results for that record in a drop-down list. 
Description Displays description for the time entry. By default, the title of the meeting or appointment is prefilled here.
Memo You can add a memo for the time entry, CORE pre-fills it with the email message if the setting Populate Email Message to Memo is enabled in the Advanced tab > Settings.



The time entry is billable if it is to billed to the client. The status of the time entry is determined by the activity selected for it, but it can be changed here.


It is the extra time worked on a project exceeding the daily or weekly Standard Hours.
Extra Any time worked beyond that specified in the contract.
Comp Time

Extra time worked that is banked and then used in the future.

Outlook Add-In > Advanced
Billed Status Displays the status of the time entry such as billed, unbilled, draft, etc.
Approved By Displays the name of the person who approved the time entry.
Invoice Number Displays the invoice number associated with a time entry.
Vendor Bill Number Displays the vendor bill number assigned to a bill received from a vendor.
Show Start and End Time You can enable this option to display Start and End time fields in the Time Entry tab.
Populate Activity Description You can check this option to automatically pre-populate the Description field in the Time Entry tab with the activity description.
Populate Email Message to Memo  You can check this option to automatically pre-populate the Memo field in the Time Entry tab with the email message.
Show Custom Fields

You can check this option to view custom fields. This allows you to access and update additional information related to time entries easily. Any changes to custom fields in the Outlook Add-In are reflected in BQE CORE and vice versa.

Enable BQE CORE Add-In Outlook

To enable CORE Add-In in your Outlook desktop application: 

  1. Open your Outlook application and from the File tab, select Info > Manage Add-ins. This opens a link in your browser.

  2. In the browser, you are asked to log in to your Outlook account if you haven't already. After logging in, it opens the Add-Ins for Outlook screen.
    Note: For Outlook on the Web, you can open the Add-Ins for Outlook screen by selecting an email message and accessing it from the Apps ()menu. Check the Microsoft Support page for details.
  3. On the Add-Ins for Outlook screen > All panel, search for BQE CORE Add-In and click on it in the search results.
  4. In the detailed view of the add-in, click Add.


The BQE CORE Add-In is now added to Outlook and you can start using it to create CORE time entries.

Sign In to BQE CORE Company

After adding the CORE Add-In to Outlook, you can access it from the contextual tab for a calendar event or email. For Outlook on the Web, you can access it from the Apps ()menu.


It opens as a side panel and asks you to sign in to CORE (if you haven't signed in yet). To sign in to CORE from the BQE CORE Add-In, follow these steps:

  1. On the BQE CORE Add-In side panel, click Sign In.

  2. On the BQE CORE-BQE Identity > Log In page, enter your CORE company credentials and click Login.


  3. On the Permission Request page, select the relevant permissions and CORE company that you want to grant access to. Then click Grant Permission.


You are now logged in to your CORE company and can start creating time entries from Outlook.

Create Time Entries from Events

Outlook calendar events consist of appointments and meetings. You can create CORE time entries from a meeting by following these steps:

  1. Open the detailed view of the meeting in Outlook.

  2. Click BQE CORE Add-In on the contextual tab (Meeting). It opens the BQE CORE side panel. For Outlook on the Web, the BQE CORE option can be accessed from the Apps () menu of the meeting.
  3. Sign in to your CORE company if you haven't already. You can now see the time entry fields on the side panel.
  4. Enter the required information on the Time Entry tab. Check Field Descriptions above for details.

    Outlook Add-In SS New (1).png
    • Employee
    • Date
    • Start Time/End Time
    • Project
    • Activity
    • Description
    • Memo
  5. Next, select the time entry details under Flags on the Time Entry tab. Check Field Descriptions above for details. 
    • Billable
    • Overtime
    • Extra
    • Comp Time
  6. Enter other information, as needed, and then click Save Time Entry or Save & Submit.

The time entry is now created in CORE and the time entry date matches the date of the event.

Note: Any attachments with the event are automatically added as attachments to the time entry.

Create Time Entries from Emails

You can create time entries in CORE from Outlook emails by following these steps:

  1. Open the email message in Outlook.

  2. Click BQE CORE Add-In on the contextual tab (Home tab if you are viewing the email in Compact View or Message tab if you are viewing the email in a new window). It opens the BQE CORE side panel. For Outlook on the Web, the BQE CORE option can be accessed from the Apps ()menu of the email.
  3. Sign in to your CORE company if you haven't already. You can now see the time entry fields on the side panel.
  4. Enter the required information in the Time Entry tab:

    OA2 (1).png
    • Employee: Select the employee for whom the time entry is to be created. It remembers your last selection.
    • Units: Enter the hours for the time entry. By default, 0.25 is pre-filled here. The smallest time increment limits from Settings are, however, obeyed when the time entry is created in CORE.
    • Project: Select the project for the time entry. It remembers your last selection.
    • Activity: Select the activity for the time entry. It remembers your last selection.
    • Description: Enter a description for the time entry. By default, the subject line of the email is pre-filled here.
      Note: Only active projects (of type Main), employees, and activities are displayed in the drop-down menu.
  5. Next, enter more details: 
    • Billable
    • Overtime
    • Extra: any time worked beyond that specified in the contract
    • Comp Time: any banked time that is not regarded as overtime
  6. You can check the time entry details on the Advanced tab. Check Field Descriptions above for details. 
    • Billed Status
    • Approved By
    • Invoice Number
    • Vendor Bill Number
  7. You can also specify some settings on the Advanced tab. Check Field Descriptions above for details. 
    • Show Start and End Time
    • Populate Activity Description
    • Populate Email Message to Memo
    • Show Custom Fields

      OA2 Advanced Tab.png
  8. Enter other information, as needed, and then click Save Time Entry or Save & Submit.

The time entry is now created in CORE and the time entry date matches the date of the email.

Note: Any attachments with the email are automatically added as attachments to the time entry.