

BQE CORE displays a global search box at the top throughout the program. The purpose of this feature is to present you with a list of search results that match the terms or keywords you enter in the search bar. This search allows you to enter or type any word and brings up every record that has the matching words in it. There is no need to use wildcard search characters. The search results are presented in a list format, categorized by feature, to help you scan and select the best match. On clicking a search result, you are taken to the main screen that contains the record in the detail view. CORE has the ability to provide truly global searches that look for any possible matches throughout the database without limiting them to specific columns or tables. Search results are delivered quickly without compromising on the ranking of the search results. Click to watch this video on searching in CORE.

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The global search follows these rules:

  1. The search results give priority to the contextual screen; so if you are in the Clients screen, all search results from that screen appear first.
  2. Search results are sorted in the order they match the search term. A search term 'Allen' places 'Allen Macbeth' higher than 'Macbeth Allen'. Example: If the search term is 'USA', the search results can be:

    USA Corp.               USA Consulting                
    ABC Corp.                BQES Engineering USA

    1-RiverSide-USA-1134      Riverside mall
    PV Country Club               Miss USA Pageant

    Nimusa          Nimusa Joseph

    1134 1-RiverSide-USA-1134 USA Consulting
    1135 1-RiverSide-USA-1134 USA Consulting


  3. You can search the data records and get results based on the IDs of projects, employees, activities and other records, their descriptions, status, email, type, company, reference number, amount, dates, and even notes, custom fields and memos (some of these options are turned off by default as it affects performance and speed).

  4. You can search invoices and transactions by dollar amount. The global amount search finds any transaction with a certain amount.

  5. The search results prioritize open projects over closed or inactive projects. Similarly, it prioritizes open invoices over paid invoices.

  6. The search results take into account the subscription package and security permissions of each user. Example: Time & Expense users are unable to see billing information that is in a feature they do not have access to. Similarly, Accounting users have results prioritized to show the Chart of Accounts information first.
  7. This search is able to handle special characters. Example: If you type 125-129 in the Search box, the results return all projects starting with 125 and then you have to manually look through the entire result list to find Project 125-129.

  8. The search results for Checks do not fetch voided checks.

How To

Search for Information

Search for Information

To search for any information in CORE, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Enter the search term or keywords in the search box at the top (if you just click into the search box, you are presented with a short list of recent activities).

    Search for information.png

    Note: For a global search, you can do this from any screen. For a specific search, you can first open that screen and then enter the keyword.

  2. As you are typing, CORE displays all the relevant search results for that record or keyword in a drop-down list. It displays the number of results next to the category.
  3. You can select the relevant attributes to be included in the search, say memos, custom fields or notes by checking those options at the bottom.
  4. On the search results list, click any specific item to view its details in the relevant screen.