Manage Rules


BQE CORE allows you to define rules that automatically set account and payee information for the imported transactions from your bank or financial institution via Cloud Feeds. You can set the rules for importing and processing the transactions based on conditions, thus automating the process of importing feeds into CORE. The Manage Rules screen allows you to create and manage rules and assign priority on them.

The rules can be tied to one or more bank or credit card accounts. So, they are accessible from the Cloud Feeds screen. These rules can be item-based or account-based. Click to watch this video on managing rules for cloud feeds in CORE.

manage rules thumbnail.png

Field Descriptions

How To

Create New Rules

Edit Rules

Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Manage Rules > Add Rule >

Name of the CORE account which is connected to the external financial institution and associated with the downloaded transaction. It can be a bank or credit card account.


Type of rule for the transactions that are downloaded into CORE: Spent or Received. You can add rules for accounts involving spending money or receiving money.

Type Type of matching transaction in CORE based on the type of transactions downloaded from the account. You can choose:
  • Transfer
  • Account Line
  • Item Line: This option is not available if the transaction is a transfer or deposit (Received)
Payee Payee or receiver of the downloaded transaction.

You can specify the class while creating a bank feed rule. It is used by CORE to classify transactions involving projects, services and expense items. Classes are transaction entities that are useful for grouping items and for reporting.

Account Name of the CORE account with which you want to associate the transaction.
Split Type Split Type can be a Percentage or Amount, depending on whether you want the future transactions to be split based on an exact amount or based on a fixed percentage.


Create New Rules

To add a new cloud feed rule, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cloud Feeds screen from the side menu > Accounting.


  2. In the list view, click More > Manage Rules.

  3. On the Manage Rules screen, click Add Rule.


  4. On the Add Rule dialog, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.

    • Name of the rule

    • Account: name of the CORE account

    • Type: type of rule for the transactions 

  5. Set the condition for a transaction by entering a criteria and field value. You can indicate if one of the fields in the Cloud Feeds has to match completely or partially (equal to, contains, starts with, etc.).

  6. Click Add Other Criteria to add more conditions for the rule. These conditions are based on the description, payee, or amount of the cloud feeds. You can delete the criteria, if needed, by clicking the Delete icon on the right.

  7. Click Continue to enter information for the matching CORE account. Check Field Descriptions above for details.


    • Type: Type of matching transaction in CORE:

      •  Transfer

      • Account Line

      • Item Line: This option is not available if the transaction is a transfer or deposit (Received)

    • Item: service (activity) or expense item : If Item Line is selected

    • Payee: Payee or receiver of the downloaded transaction : If Account Line is selected

    • Class

    • Account: Name of the CORE account: If Account Line is selected

    • Resource: (employee or vendor) If Item Line is selected

    • Project: If Item Line is selected

  8. Click Add Split if you want to split the transactions into multiple line items for future similar transactions.

  9. You can specify the Split Type as a Percentage or Amount. Check Field Descriptions above for details.

  10. Enter the relevant details and then click Save.

Edit Rules

CORE allows you to edit the rules in the Manage Rules screen.

To edit a cloud feed rule, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cloud Feeds screen from the side menu > Accounting.


  2. In the list view, click More > Manage Rules.

  3. On the Manage Rules screen, select the rule on the grid that you want to edit and click edit.png.


  4. On the Edit Rule dialog, enter more details or make the changes, as needed. 

  5. Click Save.

You can also edit the rules directly from the Cloud Feeds > Transactions list view by clicking on the rule in the Matching Transactions column, which opens the Edit Rule dialog.