Items Receivable


Note: Help content (except videos) has been updated to reflect the UI/UX changes in BQE CORE.

After purchase orders are created and sent to the vendors, you can record the items or services received against them. The Items Receivable screen allows you to mark the received items against the selected purchase orders and also create vendor bills for them. In that case, this information is carried to the Expense Entries or Time Entries screen. When all the items ordered are received, those purchase orders are closed. Click to watch this video on receiving items against purchase orders in BQE CORE.


Note: BQE CORE does not allow receiving of items against unapproved purchase orders, provided that rule is set in Settings > Accounting.

Field Descriptions

How To

Receive Items

Create Vendor Bills from Received Items

Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Items Receivable >
PO Number Purchase order number against which you receive items.
Date This is the purchase order date.
Due Date Date when the purchase order items are due to be received. It is not the same as the payment term.
Reference Reference number to track the purchase order items being received, such as package receipt number.
Hours/Units These are the service hours or expense units you expect to receive.


Receive Items

A purchase order is considered open until all items or services requested are received. CORE allows you to receive more quantity or items than the quantity ordered initially in the purchase order; however, you are prompted for that action.

To receive an item, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Purchase Orders screen from the side menu > Accounting.

    receivables po row action.png

  2. Select a PO on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png to select Receive.

  3. On the Items Receivable screen, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.

    • Date Received

    • Reference

    • Units/Hours

    items receivable save.png

  4. Make sure the received items are selected on the grid. Click Save.

Create Vendor Bills from Received Items

You can create vendor bills or automatically generate them when recording items fully or partially received against the purchase orders.

To create a vendor bill from received items:

  1. Open the Purchase Orders screen from the side menu > Accounting.

    receivables po row action.png

  2. Select a PO on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png to select Receive.
  3. On the Items Receivable screen, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Date Received
    • Reference
    • Units/Hours

    items receivable create bill.png

  4. Make sure the received items are selected on the grid. Click Save & Create Bill. The vendor bill is created and can be accessed from the Vendor Bills screen.


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