

Note: Help content (except videos) has been updated to reflect the UI/UX changes in BQE CORE.

Sales and marketing personnel prefer to prioritize their daily tasks and focus on specific tasks first. This helps teams in remaining focused on set goals and ensures all the scheduled tasks are taken care of. A salesperson or business development agent might have several tasks on hand, ranging from emailing a quote, making phone calls, following up on leads or opportunities, etc. It would be tedious to remember and prioritize all these tasks. This is where follow-ups come in handy. They help manage your sales and business development teams' daily tasks and assignments.

The Follow-Ups feature in BQE CORE CRM refers to the tasks that can be created for leads, prospects, opportunities, quotes, etc. and assigned to sales persons. You can create follow-up notes and specify the entity the follow-up is linked with (say leads or opportunities). The follow-ups can be created by you and assigned to yourself or another person. Although you can create follow-ups in various screens like Quotes, Sales Goals, etc., the main Follow-Ups screen allows you to view and manage all of them from one place. When you log into CORE CRM, you can view these follow-ups from the screens or the Follow-Ups widget. Follow-ups can have a reminder date set on them along with a priority and to-do type. CORE CRM also sends reminders about any follow-ups due today. Click to watch this video on creating follow-ups in CORE.


Field Descriptions

How To

Create Follow-Ups

Create Time Entries from Follow-Ups

Add Notes

Batch Update Follow-Ups

Show/Hide Columns in Grid

Export Follow-Ups

View Reports

Apply Filters

Mark Screen as Favorite

Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Follow-Ups > Add Follow-Up >
Description Name or description of the follow-up.
CRM Type Category of CRM feature associated with the follow-up, say Lead, Prospect, Campaign, Quote, Opportunity, etc.
ID ID or name of the CRM type, say name of the prospect or quote number selected from the drop-down. It depends on the selection of CRM Type.
Follow-Up Date Date of the follow-up deadline. This is the date by which the follow-up needs to be done.
Follow-Up Type Type or category of follow-up in CORE CRM, say email follow-up or phone call follow-up with a prospect.

Assigned To

Person to whom the follow-up is assigned. You can assign a follow-up to a sales person.
Priority Indicates the priority of the follow-up, whether high, low or medium.
Status Indicates whether a follow-up is active, on hold, inactive, completed, etc. It gives the status of the follow-up. By default, inactive, complete and on hold follow-ups are not displayed in the list view (they can show up after applying the Status filter).
Remind On This is the reminder date for the follow-up.


Create Follow-Ups

To create a follow-up, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. In the list view, click Create Follow-Up at the top-right.
  3. On the Add Follow-Up dialog, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Description

    • CRM Type

    • ID: or name of the CRM type

    • Follow-Up Date

    • Follow-Up Type

    • Assigned To

    • Priority

    • Status

  1. Enter other information, as needed.

  2. Click Save.

After saving the follow-up, you can hover over Info on its row to view brief information about the CRM type it is associated with or click dropdown-caret.png to select View Details.

Create Time Entries from Follow-Ups

You can create time entries from follow-ups in CORE. CORE also prompts you to create time entries when you update the follow-up status to Complete. The time entry copies most of the data from the follow-up item, but also requires some extra details.

To create a time entry from a follow-up:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. In the list view, click to select Show from the drop-down (Leads, Prospects or Opportunities).
  3. Now select a follow-up on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png to select View Details.
  4. On the Edit Follow-Up screen, click Actions > Create Time Entry.


  5. On the Create Time Entry > Details dialog, enter the required information:
    • Employee: It defaults to the person assigned to the follow-up.

    • Entry Date: It defaults to the current date.

    • Project

    • Activity

    • Description

    • Hours

  1. You can enter other details on the Additional tab.

  2. Click Save.

Add Notes

CORE allows you to quickly add and modify notes from the grid view of follow-ups. CORE auto generates a note for any automated touch-points like when follow-ups and to-dos are completed or their dates are updated. It also displays a badge for the number of notes attached to the follow-up. You can quickly preview the note history by hovering over the Notes link on the grid.

To add a new note for a follow-up, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. Select a follow-up on the grid and click Notes on that row for quick access.
  3. On the Add & Modify Notes dialog, enter or edit your notes:
    • Category: These are CRM-specific note categories.

    • Description

    • Status

  1. Click Done and then Close.

  2. You can check out its details by clicking Detail on its row.

You can also check the detailed video on managing notes in CORE.


Batch Update Follow-Ups

Making batch changes to the follow-ups is an irreversible process. Batch update also allows you to reset the values to none if the field is not required.

To batch update follow-ups, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. Select the follow-ups on the grid that you want to change and click Actions > Batch Update.
  3. On the Batch Update screen, select the relevant fields and enter new values for them.
  4. Check the disclaimer at the bottom and click Update.
  5. To edit a single follow-up, select the follow-up on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png to select View Details.
  6. On the Edit Follow-Up dialog, enter more details or make your changes.
  7. Click Save & Done.

You can also check the detailed video on batch updating records in CORE.

Show/Hide Columns in Grid

You can configure the fields or columns that appear on the grid in the list view. You can hide or show columns, and sort the order of columns according to your requirements.

To do so, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. In the list view, click More > Show/Hide Columns on the action bar.
  3. Select or un-select the column names in the drop-down list, say Phone.
  4. Next, click the column you want to sort, say Follow-Up Status.
  5. Click once for ascending order (A-Z) and twice for descending order (Z-A).

Note: You can resize the column widths on the grid and then reset them, if needed (More > Reset Column Widths).

You can also check the detailed video on navigation and customizing grids in CORE.

Export Follow-Ups

In CORE, you can export follow-ups to the Comma Separated Values file format. CORE exports data from all available columns and not just the columns visible in the grid.

To export follow-up records to a .CSV file, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. In the list view, click More > Export as CSV.
  3. A .csv export file is created and saved on your system at the default download location, say your desktop. Click to open the spreadsheet.

You can also check the detailed video on exporting data in CORE.

View Reports

To view a report:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.

  2. Click More > View Reports.
  3. Select a report from the Report List dialog. It opens in the viewer.
  4. Preview the report and then choose to export or print it.

You can also check the detailed video on running and managing reports in CORE.

Apply Filters

To view selective data on the grid, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.


  2. In the list view, click filters-01.png on the right.
  3. On the Filters panel, select a filter from the drop-down and specify individual records or range.
  4. Click Add Filters to specify more filters.
  5. When you have finished, click Apply Filter. You can see selective data now.
  6. In the list view, you can remove the individual filters by clicking remove-01.png on each. To disable applied filters temporarily or remove all filters, click filter_icon.png next to the Filters icon and select Disable Filters or Clear All, respectively.

You can also check the detailed video on applying filters in CORE.

Mark Screen as Favorite

You can mark or flag the most-often used and important screens in CORE as your favorites up to a maximum of ten. These favorite screens then display separately on the side menu under the Favorites list. You can manage all your favorite screens in CORE from User Settings.

To mark this screen as your favorite, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Follow-Ups screen from the side menu > CRM > Sales.

  2. In the list view, click favorites.png on the top-right.
  3. You can access this screen from the side menu under Favorites.

You can also check the detailed video on marking screens as favorite in CORE.