Expense Entries


The Expense Entries screen is a powerful option for entering and reviewing expenses. Some of you might enter expenses daily as and when you incur them, some enter them on a weekly or monthly basis, while others coincide it with their time card submission. You can log both internal and external project expenses here. BQE CORE allows entering expenses by employees as well as vendors though vendors might think of their expenses more in-line with a vendor bill. It is uncommon for vendors to enter their own expenses. Expenses are referred to as costs in the legal industry.

The Expense Entries screen allows you to see any range of expense entries at once. Also, if you need to print or export your expense entries, this screen allows for custom date ranges. Click to watch this video on tracking expenses in CORE.

exp entry thumbnail.png

The expense entry rows are color-coded. They display a colored bar on the left: red indicating a non-billable entry, green indicating a billed entry and gray indicating entries locked for billing. This screen has smart drop-downs in the entry view that remember the recently used items for the logged-in user. If you follow a submit- approve workflow in your company for expense tracking, you must familiarize yourself with the icons used to indicate different workflow status in CORE.

Icon Status









Note: You can get a visual overview of this feature in CORE from the Time and Expense Entry flowchart.

Field Descriptions

How To

Add Expense Entries

Add Credit Card Expenses

Add Custom Fields

Add Documents

Send Expense Entries

View Record History

Submit Expense Entries

Approve Expense Entries

Batch Update Expense Entries

Release Expense Entries

Copy and Paste EntriesP

Show/Hide Columns in Grid

Export Expense Entries

Import Expense Entries from CSV

Send Expense Entries for eSign

View Reports

Apply Filters

Mark Screen as Favorite

Field Descriptions

Field Name Field Description
Expense Entries > Edit Expense Entry > General >
Date CORE pre-fills the date field with today’s date when creating a new expense entry.

Cost Rate

This is the per unit cost of an expense. This rate field supports 4 decimal places and overrides the rounding off rule in Settings. If the expense is not per unit, enter a flat amount. The total cost is automatically calculated as Units x Cost Rate. You can also enter negative expenses if you want to reduce the expense amount billed to the client, discount the expenses or for some other purpose. You can also enter a zero (0) cost rate for an expense, but still have a charge amount. Example: You can have employees who incur expenses on projects, but have taken cash advances from the petty cash reserve to cover those expenses. They can enter all their expenses here and, if need be, subtract their cash advance to get to the amount that is owed to them.
Units Number of expense units incurred on a project. You can enter integers or fractional units. If the expense is a flat amount and not per unit, then skip it.
Cost Amount

Cost amount of the expense entry before markup and taxes. The per unit cost is multiplied by the units to compute this value.

Cost Amount = Units x Cost Rate

Charge Amount

The total charge amount of an expense entry including markups and taxes. It represents the billable value of expense entries, whether they are billed to the client or not. It is computed as:

[(Units x Cost Rate) (1 + MU)] x [1 + (Tax 1 + Tax 2 + Tax 3)]

Example: If Cost Amount is $15, Markup is 10% and Tax 1 is 8%, the Total Amount = [15 x (1+0.1)] x [1+(0.08)] = $17.82
If you select the rule 'Amount includes tax' and enter $110 as cost for an expense, CORE splits it to calculate the $100 as Total Amount and $10 as Purchase Tax, provided the tax rate has been set to 10% in Expense Items. Thus, the client is billed $100 + MET/GST specified at the project or global level.

You can enter a charge amount for an expense while keeping the cost rate as zero (0) or blank. If you edit the charge amount, CORE does not adjust the Cost Amount automatically. This is useful when billing your clients for expenses you incurred, but that did not increase the project cost.

Instead of creating multiple entries for similar expenses, you can create a single expense entry that sums the total value of the individual expenses. You can calculate the summed total directly in CORE using its in-cell calculator. To use the in-cell calculator, you must enter the = sign to begin a formula including subtraction (-), addition (+), division (/) and multiplication (*), and then press Enter or click outside the cell to see the results. You can use the () parentheses for complex formulas.

Example: Start with = and then enter the values such as =300+100, =300/100, =300*100, =300-100, or =(300+100)*2.

Note: There is a limit of 25 on the number of characters entered here.

Check #

This represents the check that was used to pay back any reimbursable expenses. The check number is inherited from the Checks screen and is non-editable here.

Credit Card #

Displays the last 4 digits and name of the credit card. When you enter expenses and specify a credit card for it, CORE automatically creates an A/P transaction for it in the Credit Cards screen. You cannot save a credit card account for expenses associated with vendor bills.

Classification Job classification or title of the employee brought forward from the Fee Schedules or Employees screen. If the Use rates by classification rule is set at the project level, CORE retrieves the cost rates by job classification as set up in the fee schedule when entering expenses. However, you can override that here.
Add Memo You can add a memo for the expense entry, especially if it is required to do so. CORE pre-fills it with the associated expense item memo, if available. CORE also allows you to view pre-defined memos of expense and fee schedule expense line items prior to saving an entry. You can format the text using the toolbar, if needed. It also gives you the option to clear any formatting while copy-pasting.
Expense Entries > Edit Expense Entry > Additional >
Purchase Tax Rate It is a tax paid by the company on an expense and is subtracted from the charge amount to avoid double-taxation for the client. CORE uses this purchase tax rate to segregate the actual cost and tax amount. If you enter an amount instead of a percentage, CORE reverse calculates the percentage value for you. Enter the dollar symbol ($) first and then the amount.  

Total Cost = Net Cost + Purchase Tax Rate

Cost with Purchase Tax = Amount without Purchase Tax / (1 + Purchase Tax Rate / 100)

Markup %

Percentage increase or decrease in the value of an expense entry. If you enter an amount instead of a percentage, be sure to precede the amount with a dollar sign (e.g., enter $10.5 for a $10.5 increase), CORE reverse calculates the percentage value for you. Do not enter the percentage as a decimal though. Example: To increase the cost rate by 10.5%, enter 10.5, not 0.105.

Tax 1/2/3 % Up to three tax percentages can be assigned to an expense. They are summed and used to calculate the bill amount for the expense entry. Example: If expense GEN:PC has a Tax 1 value of 5% and Tax 2 is 10%, when the expense entry is made with GEN:PC, 15% is added to the expense amount billed. If you enter an amount instead of a percentage, CORE reverse calculates the percentage value for you. Enter the dollar symbol ($) first and then the amount.

Currency multiplier denotes the current exchange rate for the foreign currency you want to use. If you enter a multiplier here, CORE accordingly re-calculates the charge amount in your home or local currency.

Local Currency = Foreign Currency Amount / Currency Multiplier

Example: If your main office is in the USA, but employee CJ is working in your India office, you can specify United States Dollar (USD) as your home currency in the Company Profile screen and Indian Rupee as CJ's default currency in the Employees screen. Whenever CJ logs expenses, they will be recorded in Indian Rupee using this multiplier.

Foreign Amount This is the charge amount in a foreign currency.

Foreign Amount = Charge Amount x Currency Multiplier

Foreign currency is converted into your local or home currency as:

Local Currency = Foreign Currency Amount / Currency Multiplier

Example: You have gone on a business trip to India and paid for taxi or meals in Indian Rupee (INR). When you log your expenses in CORE, you can specify the foreign currency (INR) and amount. CORE automatically converts it to your home currency (say USD) and yet maintains the details of the currency in which the expense was actually incurred. So CJ can record his expenses by specifying Indian Rupee as the foreign currency and a multiplier of say 0.013 (1 USD / 76.12 INR).

Income Account Used for accounting, this account tracks income or revenue associated with expense entries. It is brought forward from Projects or Expense Items, but can be changed here.
Expense Account Used for accounting, this account tracks expenses associated with expense entries. It is brought forward from Projects or Expense Items, but can be changed here.
Class Transaction entity that allows you to track expenses and view their reports. You need to assign a class to an expense before creating invoices and prior to syncing data with your accounting software. Else, your class fields will remain blank there and will not display in reports.
Invoice # If the expense has been billed, the processed invoice number is displayed here. This is reference information only.
Vendor Bill # Displays a bill number if an expense is related to a vendor bill. This is blank for reimbursable expenses as they are not attached to any vendor bills.
Extra Expenses that are incurred beyond the contract amount should be marked as extra. These expenses are not counted toward the contract amount and so, should be billed separately.
Flag 1/2/3 These flags can be used to track any characteristic of the expense entries. The label for the flags can be modified in Custom Labels.
Paid If checked, it indicates that an employee or a vendor has been paid for the reimbursable expense. When expenses are reimbursable and approved, you can pay the employee from the Bill Payments screen even if vendor bills are not created for those expenses. After this A/P transaction is done, the Paid option is checked and the check number can be referenced in the expense details. If the reimbursable expenses are not paid, clicking on the Paid option prompts you to enable a setting, Allow reimbursable expenses to be marked paid without a bill payment in Settings > Time & Expense > Expense Entry.
Do note that when the Paid option is checked, CORE automatically checks the Reimbursable option as well. It displays the date when the employee or vendor was paid.
Expense Entries > Workflow > Submit Expense >
Submit To You can submit expense entries to your manager or a specific person from the list.
Resource This can be an employee or a vendor (contract employee or outside consultant). This option is available only if you choose Submit To: Specific.

This represents the type of workflow assigned to the submitted expense entries, depending on the purpose of the submission.

  • Billing and Payroll: if expense entries are submitted for the purpose of billing the client as well as including them in the payroll of the employee. This option is selected by default.
  • Billing: if expense entries are submitted only for the purpose of billing the client
  • Payroll: if expense entries are submitted only for the payroll of the employee. This option is only visible if you have the rule Enable separate Payroll approval workflow for time entries checked in Settings > Time & Expense.
Expense Entries > Import Expense Entry from CSV >

UTF stands for Unicode Transformation Format. It is a character encoding format that can be as compact as ASCII (if the file is plain English text), but can contain unicode characters as well. It uses 8-bit blocks to represent each character that is encoded. UTF supports many languages and can accommodate pages and forms in any of those languages.


Add Expense Entries

To enter an expense, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses. Please note that it is referred to as Costs in the legal industry.


  2. If you are a regular Time & Expense user, you can start entering your expenses in the grid by clicking Add. If you are a reviewer, first select the Show option (Project, Employee or Vendor) and then enter the expenses by clicking Add.
  3. Enter the required information in the top row of the grid. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Date
    • Project/Employee
    • Expense
    • Units: expense units incurred on a project. If the expense is a flat amount and not per unit, then skip it.
    • Cost Rate: This is the per unit cost of an expense. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Markup %: Increase or decrease in the value of an expense.
  4.  The Cost Amount and Charge Amount is calculated by CORE. Click Done. Check Field Descriptions above for details.

Note: CORE supports credits for reimbursable expenses by allowing you to enter negative reimbursable expenses.

Add Credit Card Expenses

If you create an expense entry by entering a credit card charge or link a credit card account to an existing expense entry, CORE unchecks and disables the Reimbursable flag for such expenses. This is because when you link an expense to a credit card account, it implies that the employee paid off the expense using a company credit card. Such expenses are not to be reimbursed to the employee. All you need to do is pay the credit card bills via Checks.

To enter a credit card expense, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. Enter the required information in the top row of the grid. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Date
    • Project/Employee
    • Expense
    • Units: expense units incurred on a project. If the expense is a flat amount and not per unit, then skip it.
    • Cost Rate: This is the per unit cost of an expense. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Markup %: Increase or decrease in the value of an expense
    • Charge Amount: It represents the billable value of expense entries, whether they are billed to the client or not. Check Field Descriptions above for details
    • Credit Card
  3. Make the Credit Card column visible by using the More > Show/Hide Columns option. Use the Credit Card drop-down to specify the card used for the purchase.
  4. Click the + icon to attach a copy of the receipt. In the Add Documents dialog, select the relevant tab to attach the receipt.
  5. Click Done.

Note: CORE does not allow you to link negative expense entries to credit cards from the Expense Entries screen. If you want to enter a refund transaction, the proper way to do that is from the Credit Cards screen. Then CORE automatically creates a negative expense entry for such transactions.

Add Custom Fields

Using custom fields, you can track extra characteristics and attributes of your expenses. For example, you might want to use an expense entry custom field when an expense is incurred out of state. For that, you can create a custom list called State and make it a drop-down list. You can even customize these fields in the Custom Labels screen.

To add a custom field, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, select an entry on the grid and click Detail.
  3. On the Edit Expense Entry > Custom Fields tab, click Add Custom Field.


  4. Select the type of field you want depending on the purpose, say Text Box.
  5. On the Add Text Box dialog, enter the required information:
    • Name
    • Type
    • # of Characters
  6. Check Show in List View if you want this field to appear under the Show/Hide Columns list and show up on the grid. Click Save.

Note: You can display a maximum of three custom fields on the list view per screen. These custom fields are editable there.

You can also check the detailed video on managing custom fields in CORE.

Add Documents

To add a document or any expense receipt to an expense entry, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, select an entry on the grid and click Detail.
  3. On the Edit Expense Entry > Documents tab, click Add.


  4. On the Add Documents dialog, select the relevant tab, depending on the type of document.
    • Computer: To attach files stored on your computer, enter its Description and drag your file or click to browse to that location.
    • Hyperlink: To attach an external link, enter its Description and then insert the hyperlink.
    • Dropbox: To link files stored in your Dropbox account, enter its Description and then browse for it.
    • Google Drive: To link files stored in your Google Drive account, enter its Description and then browse for it.
    • OneDrive: To link files stored in your Microsoft OneDrive account, enter its Description and then browse for it.
    • Box: To link files stored in your Box account, enter its Description and then browse for it.
    • Resource Library: To link company resources, select the resource from the library. This option is available only with CORE CRM.
  5. Click Add.

CORE pre-fills some of the information about the attached documents in the grid. You can send the documents to your clients, employees, or other contacts for getting their digital or electronic signatures (eSignature via DocuSign) using the eSign option from the dropdown-caret.png row-action menu. CORE automatically adds the signed documents to the Documents folder of the entity (record) as separate attachments. It displays the status of the document, whether it has been delivered via DocuSign, viewed by the recipients, declined or completed by the recipients, etc. This column does not show up if you are not connected via the DocuSign integration. You can also check the detailed video on managing documents in CORE.

Send Expense Entries

CORE allows the sending of expense entries linked to employees as well as vendors to your accounting program, QuickBooks Online or Xero, but they are transferred as vendor bills there. So you need to associate a QuickBooks or Xero vendor with the transferred expense entries. You can map the CORE employees with the corresponding QuickBooks Online/Xero vendors on the Sync Detail > Sync Settings > Send screen so that the correct association is made when sending CORE employee expenses to QuickBooks/Xero as vendor bills. You can also make this association while sending expenses on demand from the Expense Entries screen. There you are prompted in case of employee expenses, but not for vendor-related expenses.

To send an expense entry to your accounting program, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. Select an expense entry on the grid and click Detail on its row.
  3. On the Edit Expense Entry screen, click Actions > Send To on the top-right.
  4. Select the relevant option from the drop-down, say QuickBooks.
  5. In case of employee expenses, you are prompted by the Send Employee Expenses dialog to select a QuickBooks vendor from the drop-down to be associated with the synced employee expenses from CORE.


    Note: In case of vendor expenses, you are not prompted because the associated expense entry syncs to QuickBooks/Xero directly as a vendor bill.
  6. Click OK. Your data is sent.

Note: CORE allows you to send expense entries to QuickBooks using the Send to QuickBooks option from the dropdown-caret.png row-action menu of the list view. You can send a maximum of 25 records from the expense entries list to QuickBooks without having to drill down into the detail view. CORE displays a progress bar when sending these records to QuickBooks.

View Record History

CORE allows you to track all key actions taken by users on expense entries. You can view actions, and know who performed them, and when someone performed them. 

To view record history, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.

    Expense Entries Record History.jpg
  2. Select an expense entry on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png row-action menu to select View Record History.
  3. On the Record History screen, select an expense entry on the grid and click Preview on its row to track its changes.

    Expense Entries Record History 2.jpg

Submit Expense Entries

As a part of the workflow, CORE allows you to submit the selected expense entries for approval using various options. When expense entries are submitted, the supervisor or manager gets notified about these submissions. You cannot submit entries or items that are already approved. In case of email notifications, CORE allows managers to quickly approve or reject the workflow entries or items submitted by employees directly from the emails.

To submit an expense entry for approval, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. Choose the relevant Show option at the top: say Employee.
  3. Select the Period and From-To dates for which you want to view expense entries.
  4. Select the expense entries on the grid list that you want to submit.
  5. Click Actions > Workflow > Submit.
  6. On the Submit Expense dialog, enter the required information. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
    • Submit To
    • Resource
    • Type
    • Memo
  7. Click Done.

After submitting the expense entries, you have an option to un-submit them by clicking Actions > Workflow > Un-submit.

Approve Expense Entries

As a part of the workflow, CORE allows you to approve the expense entries submitted to you. Only billable and approved entries are available for billing even though CORE charges all entries against the budget or contract amount. Approving expense entries prevents modification by any user with limited security permissions. You can also reject the submitted expense entries for any reason. However, only submitted or forwarded expense entries can be rejected, not the approved ones. In case of email notifications, CORE allows managers to quickly approve or reject the workflow entries or items submitted by employees directly from the emails.

In CORE, you can select multiple expense entries and change their workflow status (e.g., from submitted to approved) in a batch. The workflow update process takes some time when there are many records to process. To keep you informed, CORE displays a detailed message on the Expense Entries screen. This message auto-refreshes every 15 seconds to provide the status or you can click Refresh Status to manually refresh it. CORE ensures that you receive notifications when the records are successfully updated, as well as when some or all records are not processed successfully. On clicking the notification, CORE takes you to the relevant screen displaying a list of entries and their status.

Note: Company managers or owners might want their expenses to be approved automatically. You can select the auto-approve options for time and expense entries at the global level for all or at the project level for selected projects.

To approve an expense entry for billing (or payroll), watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.

  2. In the list view, select the relevant Show option and select the item from the drop-down list.
  3. Next, select the relevant Period and From-To dates from the drop-downs. You will see the desired expense entries in the grid.
  4. Select the submitted entries on the grid and click Actions > Workflow > Approve.
  5. On the Approve Expense dialog, enter a memo, if needed.
  6. Click Done.

After approving the expense entries, you have an option to un-approve them by clicking Actions > Workflow > Un-approve. However, you cannot un-approve locked entries.

Batch Update Expense Entries

As long as you have not billed the expense entries in CORE, you can delete them. Otherwise, you can make them non-billable, exclude them or use the batch change feature to update them. You cannot delete expense entries that are linked to credit card transactions, invoices, or payroll. However, you can update entries that are linked to cancelled or on-hold projects, or projects with Prevent Entry rules set up. Batch update also allows you to reset the values to none if the field is not required.

Note: If batch update does not contain workflow updates, then CORE performs a quick, instant update up to a maximum of 5000 records selected at a time. However, if the batch update contains workflow updates, then CORE performs a slower, background update for selected records greater than 150, but a normal batch update for records less than 150. The background update is a time-consuming process because CORE needs to send notifications and emails to inform you when the processing completes.

To update expense entries, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. Select the expense entries on the grid and click Actions > Delete to delete them.
  3. Otherwise, click Actions > Batch Update to make batch changes to the selected entries. Using the dropdown-caret.png menu, you can select the total number of records without scrolling all the way to the end of the list, total number of records in view or none of the records.
  4. On the Batch Update dialog, select the relevant fields and then enter new values for them.
  5. Check the disclaimer at the bottom and click Update.
  6. To edit a single expense entry, select it on the grid and click dropdown-caret.png to select View Details.
  7. On the Edit Expense Entry screen, enter details or make the desired changes.
  8. Click Save.

Note: There are certain limitations to batch updating field values. For example, batch updating Project ID, Employee ID, and Expense ID here does not update the expense entry rates based on the new values. You have to update the rates separately.

You can also check the detailed video on batch updating records in CORE.

Release Expense Entries

If you do progress billing and have sent invoices to the client, you can release and link your expense entries to previously processed invoices at a later date via batch update. CORE can recalculate and adjust the difference in the value of expense entries and invoice amount by generating a mark-down. You cannot do progress billing in case of split invoices.

To link expense entries to an invoice, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. Click Show: Projects and select the relevant project from the drop-down. This option works only in the Show: Project mode.
  3. Now select the expense entries on the grid that need to be linked with an invoice and click Actions > Batch Update.
  4. On the Batch Update dialog, under Assign Invoice Number, select an invoice to be associated with the expense entries. You can choose an option to update the mark-down, if any.
  5. Check the disclaimer at the bottom and click Update.

Copy and Paste Entries

To copy an expense entry and then paste it as a new entry, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, select the expense entries on the grid that you want to copy.
  3. Click Actions > Copy and then click Paste. The entry gets copied to the clipboard or system memory and then pasted in the grid.
  4. If you click Actions > Paste Special instead, it allows you to edit the entry before pasting it.
  5. On the Paste Expense Entry dialog, select the fields you want to edit and enter new values for them. You can also increase or decrease the date of the pasted entries.
  6. Click Continue. The copied entries are pasted in the grid along with the changes.

Show/Hide Columns in Grid

You can configure the fields or columns that appear on the grid in the list view. You can hide or show columns, and sort the order of columns according to your requirements.

To do so, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click More > Show/Hide Columns on the action bar.
  3. Select or un-select the column names in the drop-down list, say Billable.
  4. Next, click the column name you want to sort the data by, say Description.
  5. Click once for ascending order (A-Z) and twice for descending order (Z-A).

Note: You can resize the column widths on the grid and then reset them, if needed (More > Reset Column Widths).

You can also check the detailed video on navigation and customizing grids in CORE.

Export Expense Entries

In CORE, you can export expenses to the Comma Separated Values file format. CORE exports data from all available columns and not just the columns visible in the grid.

To export expense entries to a .CSV file, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click More > Export as CSV.
  3. A .csv export file is created and saved on your system at the default download location, say your desktop. Click to open the spreadsheet.

You can also check the detailed video on exporting data in CORE.

Import Expense Entries from CSV

In CORE, you can import up to 1000 expense entries directly from a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file format. It only imports those expense entries whose expense, project and employee matches with the company’s current list of expense, project and employee data. CORE does not create new items or resources if there are no matches. You can map the relevant fields between CORE and the CSV file and save those mappings for the future.

Note: You can download a sample import file to see how your import file should be and what kind of data it should include.

To import expense entries from a .CSV file:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click More > Import from CSV.
  3. On the Import Expense Entry from CSV dialog, choose the CSV (UTF-8 encoded) file to be imported. You can drag-and-drop the file or click to browse to its location. Check Field Descriptions above for details.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. On the Map Your Expense Entry Fields dialog, you can match the relevant CORE Fields with the CSV Headers for each time entry. Each entry requires a date, project, expense item, and employee to be mapped.


  6. You can select Saved Mappings from the drop-down, if you have one from a previous import.
  7. Click Continue. The imported entries pre-fill the grid.
  8. On the Review Mapping dialog, review the selected entries and their mappings. Un-check the entries that you do not want to import. CORE performs a validation of records, including formatting and data validation before you can proceed.
  9. Click the relevant Import option:
    • Import
    • Import & Save As New Mapping: Imports the entries and also saves the mapping for the future.

The expense entries are imported. You can check the imported data and make changes, as needed. You can also check the detailed video on importing data into CORE.

Send Expense Entries for eSign

You can send your expense entries and reports to your external clients, CORE employees or other contacts to be reviewed and signed electronically via DocuSign. For that, you must have first connected CORE to your company's DocuSign account via the Integrations screen. CORE automatically adds the signed documents to the Documents tab of the entity (record) as separate attachments.

To send your expense sheet for eSignature, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click More > eSign. (This option is not available if your CORE account is not connected to a DocuSign account.)
  3. On the Report List dialog, select the expense report you want to send for esigning. To include selective entries in the report, make sure you choose the relevant period and filters beforehand.
  4. On the eSign - Email Details dialog, choose the To recipients or contacts to whom you want to send the expense sheet via DocuSign.


  5. You can review and customize the email message, if needed. It is pre-filled with the email details from the Integrations > DocuSign Settings screen.
  6. At the bottom, select your Save Options. You can specify where you want to save the signed copy of the document, say Company screen (as a company document) or Specific Record (as a document of an individual record of a specific entity). CORE remembers this selected location for the next time a document of that type is sent out for eSignatures.
  7. Click the relevant option:
    • Send: Clicking the ‘Send’ button sends the expense sheet to all recipients. If multiple recipients are selected, each recipient receives a copy or version of the expense sheet to sign.
    • Send with Preview: If you choose to preview the document before sending, you are redirected to the DocuSign editor embedded in a new CORE tab. From there you can make adjustments to the DocuSign document like adding, removing, and rearranging tags throughout the document.
  8. CORE displays the progress bar and opens the expense report in the Send for eSignature screen.


  9. Here you can insert Standard Fields like Signature, Initials, Date Signed, Name, etc. into your document where needed.
  10. You can take more actions on the document by selecting the relevant option from the Actions menu on the right.
  11. Before sending, you can also preview the document by clicking Recipient Preview on the top-right. Else, click Continue to skip the preview.
  12. Click Send to send the expense report to the recipients.

The document is then received as an email by the recipients (your contacts), who can then review and sign it electronically. The recipients also receive an email when the action is completed by them. DocuSign informs us via email if the document was reviewed, accepted or declined by the recipients and you can also view the eSign Status in the Documents list view, whether it has been sent and read by the recipient. The signed documents are saved in the specified location. You can also check the detailed video on sending data for eSign in CORE.

View Reports

To view a report, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click More > View Reports.
  3. Select a report from the Report List dialog. It opens in the viewer.
  4. Preview the report and then choose to export or print it.

You can also check the detailed video on running and managing reports in CORE.

Apply Filters

Besides filtering data using the standard fields on a screen, you can also use the custom fields for that, if you have set them up.

To view selective data on the grid, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.


  2. In the list view, click filters-01.png on the right.
  3. On the Filters panel, select a filter from the drop-down and specify individual records or range.
  4. Click Add Filters to specify more filters.
  5. When you have finished, click Apply Filter . You can see selective data now.
  6. Next, to save the applied filters as your favorite, click Save Filters.

    Expense Entries - Filter.png

  7. It opens the Save Filter dialog, where you can select a name for your filter combination and then click Save. You can also update your existing saved filters by clicking the Update Saved Filters link.
  8. In the list view, you can remove the individual filters by clicking remove-01.png on each. To disable applied filters temporarily or remove all filters, click filter_icon.png next to the Filters icon and select Disable Filters or Clear All, respectively.

You can also check the detailed video on applying filters in CORE.

Mark Screen as Favorite

You can mark or flag the most-often used and important screens in CORE as your favorites up to a maximum of ten. These favorite screens then display separately on the side menu under the Favorites list. You can manage all your favorite screens in CORE from User Settings.

To mark this screen as your favorite, watch this video or follow these steps:

  1. Open the Expense Entries screen from the side menu > Time & Expenses.

    expense entries fav.png

  2. In the list view, click favorites.png on the top-right.
  3. You can access this screen from the side menu under Favorites.

You can also check the detailed video on marking screens as favorite in CORE.