BQE CORE is designed with a smart and intuitive user interface so that it is easy to navigate and use. It is optimized and designed to work at a minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 960 pixels. The side menu expands and collapses depending on whether you pin the panel or not. Click to watch this video on navigating CORE.
You can customize the way you navigate CORE to suit your preferences. This includes marking some screens as your favorite, changing the order of the side menu, and so on from User Settings.
Note: You can check out the new UI of CORE by clicking Try CORE's New Look on the top-right when in the classic view. To switch back to the classic view, click Switch to Classic View from the top user menu.
Navigation Elements
The navigation and general UI of CORE consists of the following elements:
Number |
Element |
Description |
1 |
Side Menu | Hover on the side menu on the left to display the different feature sets in CORE. You can click |
2 |
Search | Enter the keywords in the search bar at the top to find quickly what you are looking for in a specific screen or throughout CORE. |
3 |
Top User Menu |
Click the user menu |
4 |
Top Icon Bar |
Click the icons on the top icon bar to quickly access your Timers |
5 |
Breadcrumbs | CORE displays the breadcrumb trail to enhance accessibility and improve visibility on screens having a hierarchical order, such as in Projects screen (phases within projects). |
6 |
Favorites |
Mark the frequently-used screens as your favorite by clicking |
7 |
Info bar |
Click |
8 |
List View |
You can view all the active records on a grid in the list view of a screen. You can sort the column data by clicking its header and use the column chooser (under the More menu) to show or hide fields in the grid. You can also resize the columns by hovering over them and moving them right/left accordingly. If needed, you can reset the column widths.
9 |
Actions Menu |
Select batch actions from the Actions drop-down above the grid. You can select single or multiple rows in the grid to use these actions, such as Delete, Email, Submit, etc. |
10 |
More Menu |
Use the More drop-down to access screen-related options, such as Export as CSV, Columns, Reports, etc. |
11 |
Filters |
Click |
12 |
Row Action Menu |
Click |
13 |
* |
This denotes a required field on the screens. |
14 |
Drop-downs | You can configure the drop-down lists in CORE to include inactive records or other items that are not visible by default. You can also re-size multiple columns in the drop-down lists. |
15 |
+ Create New + Add |
CORE allows you to quickly add a new item or record to a list right from the drop-down itself, if needed. It takes you to a Create or Add dialog where you can enter the required information and save the record. |
Keyboard Navigation
Key | Action |
Enter | Saves the changes and removes you from the edit mode. Clicking Edit again returns the screen to an editable mode. Enter key also acts as a Yes in the confirmation dialogs. |
Tab | Saves the changes and takes you to the next field. In case of text boxes like memos, it expands the Auto Complete shorthand codes. |
Shift + Tab | Saves the changes and returns you to the previous field. |
Arrow Keys | Moves your focus to adjacent fields, above, below, left, and right. |
Ctrl + M | Opens and closes the memo box. |