Time & Expense Reviewer displays all projects irrespective of status

User wants to exclude the time and expenses of inactive projects from the Time & Expense Reviewer screen.

By default, the Time & Expense Reviewer displays time and expense entries from all projects rather than just active ones. If you want it to display the time and expenses of active projects only, you need to apply the Project filter on the screen and select all the projects in the filter drop-down. This works because, by default, BQE CORE only displays active projects in the filter drop-downs, and this enables you to filter on active projects only. Note that you can configure CORE to display all projects irrespective of status in the filter drop-down by selecting the Include inactive, completed, canceled and hold projects option in User Settings > Display Options. So you need to make sure that this option is not checked. Check CORE Help Center for details on applying filters in Time & Expense Reviewer.