Deleting an already synced bill in Xero and re-syncing

Vendor bills cannot be permanently deleted in Xero. They remain in the Bills list view with deleted or voided status there. You can also void bills in Xero, after which they cannot be edited.

After syncing vendor bills between BQE CORE and Xero, you might want to delete a synced bill and then re-sync that to Xero. There are two methods to re-sync an already synced bill from CORE to Xero:

Method 1: 

  1. In Xero, void the synced vendor bill from CORE. 
  2. In CORE, delete the mapping of this voided vendor bill under Record Mappings.
  3. Change the vendor bill number of the associated bill in CORE as the bill number is already in use in Xero.
  4. Now, re-sync the vendor bill to Xero.

 Method 2:

  1. In Xero, edit the details of the synced vendor bill.
  2. Delete all the bill line items and change the reference number to some dummy number.
  3. Specify description only for one of the bill line items and change the total amount to zero (0). Now save this updated bill in Xero.
  4. Using the Record Mappings in CORE, delete the mapping of this associated vendor bill.
  5. Re-sync the vendor bill from CORE to Xero; the selected vendor bill is re-synced.