Pay Invoice button shows past date

User creates an invoice with the ePayments option on and sets up a due date, but sends the invoice later. This causes the invoice to display a due date that is past due when the client receives it.

This can be addressed when creating an invoice batch. On the Create Invoice dialog, change the Invoice Date to the date you plan to send the invoice to the client. When the client receives the invoice, your settings automatically account for the delay in time.

Another option to consider is setting your term as NET 5, NET 10, or NET 15 and applying this to all your projects. This makes the invoice due 5, 10, or 15 days from the invoice date based on the setting.

The first method is most recommended. The invoice date should be about the same as the day you send it to your client, which is why it is available as a batch action on the Invoices screen.