Excluding time and expenses from invoices

While creating invoice batch or manual invoices from approved time and expense entries, you can exclude some entries from the current billing session, but still keep them in work-in-progress. Or you can mark them as billed and remove them from work-in-progress and future processing of invoices. You can create invoices and exclude time or expense entries from them. Excluding time and expense entries also allows you to create separate invoices for the excluded entries. To do so:

  1. Open the Invoices screen from the side menu > Billing > Invoicing. 
  2. Create a new invoice batch and enter the appropriate information on the Create Invoice dialog before clicking Create Invoice Batch.
  3. On the Invoice Batch Details screen, open the row-action menu and click Billing Details.
  4. The Invoice Details dialog displays the Time Details, Expense Details, and Billing Details. Select the appropriate tab and after selecting the appropriate entries on the grid, select Actions > Exclude (or Mark Billed, if needed).
  5. Click Save. 

The selected entries are excluded from billing! Check CORE Help Center for details.