Time entries on completed projects

User has set the rule Skip time evaluation in Settings to allow billable time entries on projects even after they have reached the contract amount. However, when user checks the rule Mark projects completed when billed 100% in Settings, the projects are marked completed when they reach the contract amount and you can no longer enter time on them.

This is the expected behavior in BQE CORE as Skip time evaluation (and its corresponding project-level rule) only comes into play if you are allowed to make time entries in the first place. Check CORE Help Center for details. So any rule that prevents time entries on a project will always supersede Skip time evaluation. This is the case with Mark projects completed when billed 100%, which marks the project status as completed when the contract amount is reached and prevents you from making any new time and expense entries on that project. If you want to continue entering time and expenses on the project after the contract amount is reached, you should uncheck this rule. Check CORE Help Center for details on Completed project status.