Voiding and unvoiding checks

You can void checks in the Checks screen using the row action menu or the main Actions menu. By default, void checks are hidden from the list. However, you can turn them on via filters and see all your voided checks. Check CORE Help Center for details.

If you prefer to not void the checks, we recommend creating a zero-value check. Please follow these steps to use zero-dollar checks in the place of journal entries:

  1. Create a Journal Entries bank account to keep these transactions separate from your working bank accounts. You can do so from the Chart of Accounts screen.
  2. Create a check with zero value using this bank account in the Checks screen.
  3. Enter the debits as Items with positive amounts and the credits as Items with negative amounts. The total check amount should net to zero (0).

When you void checks, they are no longer visible on the Checks screen. If you want to un-void these checks for some reason, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Checks screen and filter it for voided checks. For that, you need to select the filter Void and set it to Yes. This makes the voided checks visible. Check CORE Help Center for more on filtering the Checks screen.
  2. Select the voided checks that you want to un-void and then click Actions > Un-Void.
  3. On the Unvoid dialog, select the confirmation check box and click Submit.

The checks are now un-voided and visible in the list view.