What is the difference between project template and clone?

You can create a new project profile from an existing project template. You can also clone (duplicate) projects to save time in creating new ones, whether they are single projects or parent projects with phases. Whether cloning or using templates, the phase, name and description of the source project hierarchy passes on to the new project being created. Most of the attributes and settings are inherited from the source project, but you can change the data for the new project. Here are the attributes that get copied from the source project (project template or project) to the new project in both cases. 

Attributes Project Template Project Clone
Sub-projects and Phases  🗸  🗸
Project Rules 🗸 🗸
Project Assignments 🗸 🗸
Project Memos 🗸 🗸
Project Fee Schedule 🗸  
Project Budget 🗸  
Project Custom Fields 🗸  
Project Accounts 🗸 🗸
Project Estimate 🗸  
Project Groups 🗸 🗸
To-Dos 🗸 🗸
Invoice Settings 🗸 🗸
Project Classes 🗸 🗸
Project Contacts 🗸  
Project Monitoring 🗸