Dashboards in BQE CORE offers many widgets based on the features or functionality that are available to you. In other words, the widgets you access on your dashboards depend on the features available in your subscription as well as security profile. Check out the widget details from the Dashboard help.
You can view the widgets included in each feature set by clicking the buttons below:
Widget Name | Feature | Description |
Account Balances | Accounting | Compare your account balances with the reconciled account balances in CORE. |
Active Accounts | Accounting | See a list of active accounts and their balances for the current month and year-to-date. |
Activity Performance | Accounting, Billing, Project Management | Keep track of your most profitable activities based on their billed time for a defined period. |
Aged Receivables | Project Management, Billing, Accounting | See the summary of open invoice balances broken down into four aging periods based on the invoice due date. |
Aging | Billing | See the breakdown of your unpaid invoices for a defined period. |
Balance Sheet - Comparative | Accounting | Compare the selected year’s assets, liabilities and equity account totals with the same period for the prior year. |
Billing | Project Management, Billing | Track all the revenue generated by the company for a defined period. |
Campaign ROI | CRM | Identifies the campaigns that are doing well and those that are not performing as expected based on the return on investment (ROI). |
Cash Flow | Accounting, Project Management, Billing | See the breakdown of your cash flow for a defined period. |
Client Performance | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | Keep track of your most profitable clients based on their cash payments for a defined period. |
Current Opportunities | CRM | Displays a list of open opportunities managed by the logged-in user. It gives a quick snapshot of how much you have in open and closed opportunities. |
Documents | Project Management, Billing, Accounting, Time & Expenses, HR, CRM | View and open all the documents added or modified within the specified date range. |
Due Projects | Project Management | View the list of projects that are due within the specified date range. You can see all the approaching deadlines. |
Earned Value | Project Management, Billing, Accounting | See the earned value of the projects you manage for a defined period. |
Employee Allocation | Accounting, Time & Expenses , Project Management, Billing | See the allocated hours of the logged-in user by project and task within the specified date range. |
Employee Performance | Project Management | Keep track of your most profitable employees based on their billed time for a defined period. |
Expense Performance | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | Keep track of your most profitable expenses based on their billed value for a defined period. |
Expenses | Billing, Accounting | See the company’s expenses broken down into accounts within the specified date range |
Follow-Ups | CRM | Displays all the upcoming follow-ups related to the logged-in user. These follow-ups are related to leads, prospects, campaigns, opportunities, etc. |
Gross Margin by Client | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | Track the profitability or margin analysis of clients within the specified date range on accrual basis. |
Gross Margin by Project | Accounting, Billing, Project Management | Track the profitability or margin analysis of projects within the specified date range on accrual basis. |
Hours | Time & Expenses , Billing, Project Management, Accounting | Compare the billable and non-billable hours logged by your employees for a defined period. |
HR Upcoming Reviews | HR | See the summary of upcoming performance reviews along with their due dates. |
Income | Accounting, Billing | See the company’s income broken down into accounts within the specified date range. |
Income vs. Expenses | Billing, Accounting | View the company's overall income, expenses, and profit for a defined period. |
Money Owed | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See the summary of open invoice balances for a defined period. |
Notes | Project Management, Billing, Accounting, Time & Expenses, HR, CRM | See a list of journal notes related to employees, projects, and clients for a defined period. |
Paid Time Off and Comp Hours | Time & Expenses , Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See the summary of hours logged or used by employees against the sick, vacation, holiday, and comp time activities within the specified date range. |
Profit and Loss - Comparative | Accounting | Compare the selected period’s income and expense account totals with the same period for the prior year. |
Project Allocation | Billing, Time & Expenses , Accounting, Project Management | See the allocated hours of the project and task within the specified date range. |
Project Allocation by Activity | Project Management, Accounting, Billing, Time & Expenses | See the allocated hours of the project by activity and task within the specified date range. |
Project Performance | Billing, Project Management, Accounting | Keep track of your most profitable project based on their payments for a defined period. |
Project Schedule by Allocation | Project Management | Displays projects in a mini Gantt Chart view based on their task allocations. |
Project Schedule by Due Date | Project Management | Displays projects with their start and due date schedules in a mini Gantt Chart view. |
Project Status | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See overview of the projects based on their contract and budget amount. |
Reimbursables | Project Management, Billing, Accounting, Time & Expenses | See the unpaid or partially paid reimbursable expenses of the logged-in user. |
Requests for Information | Project Management | See all the project RFIs that are pending or require some action. |
Retainer Balances | Billing, Accounting, Project Management | See the summary of retainer balances (Received, Used, and Remaining) of your clients for a defined period. |
Sales Funnel | CRM | Tells you what percentage of leads advance through the ongoing stages of your sales pipeline or cycle. |
Sales Goal Performance | CRM | Shows the revenue from closed deals compared to your team's sales goal. You can use this information to track the progress of the set sales goals of the logged-in user. |
Sales Velocity by Owner | CRM | Shows how much time each sales rep takes on an average to move a deal from one stage to the next. |
Staff Effective Rates | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See the billed percentage and realization rate of each employee for a defined period. |
Staff Utilization | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See the billability and utilization percentage of each employee for a defined period. |
Staff Workload | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | View your employees' scheduled hours and actual hours worked for a defined period. |
Submittals | Project Management | See all the project submittals that are pending or require some action. |
Task Allocation | Project Management, Time & Expenses , Billing, Accounting | See task allocations for your team by activity and project in the specified date range. |
Time Performance | Time & Expenses , Project Management, Billing, Accounting | Track the performance of employees based on the total billable hours, non-billable hours, and internal hours logged by them. |
To Dos | Project Management, Billing, Accounting, Time & Expenses, HR, CRM | See all the open and incomplete to-dos related to the logged-in user. |
Top Opportunities | CRM | Displays a list of top opportunities based on the already closed amount, ongoing forecast amount and highest probability. |
Top Prospects | CRM | Shows the prospects with the highest expected revenue for ongoing opportunities or the ones with highest closed amounts. |
Trust Fund Balances | Accounting, Billing, Project Management | See the summary of trust fund balances (Received, Used, and Remaining) of your projects for a defined period. |
Unbilled Time | Project Management, Accounting, Billing | See the value of billable but unbilled time entries for the specified period. |
Workflows | Project Management, Billing, Accounting, Time & Expenses, HR, CRM | See the status of entries submitted to the logged-in user based on entry type. |