If you change the rates defined in the Fee Schedules and Employees screens, is there a way to apply these rates to the previously recorded time entries?
By default, rate changes are never retroactive in BQE CORE. You must always change rates manually if a rate change needs to be applied to a previously made time entry.
There are three ways to apply new rates to previously recorded time entries:
- In the Time Entries screen, show the Bill Rate and Cost Rate columns in the list view. Change the rates manually by entering the new rates and then move on to the next row.
- Select the time entries (one or more) on the grid and click Actions > Batch Update. Change the rates by entering the new values and click Update.
- You can also change the rates using Actions > Update Rates and entering the new rates for the selected records.
Note: You cannot change the rates for a time entry that has already been billed.