Whenever you enter time in Time Card in one time period and then go to another period, a lot of projects and activities stay in the field. This is good for some employees who work on the same projects or jobs all the time, but others are working on different jobs.
BQE CORE allows you to pre-fill your time cards with the most recent activities if you prefer to have that setting. It also allows you to pre-fill the projects and activities based on the allocated tasks or a combination of the two settings. To do so:
Go to the top user menu > User Settings > Time Settings.
Under Auto-create Time Card activities based on Options, select the relevant option. For example, if you select the option Suggest the last ___ activities, and enter a number, say 10 in it, CORE will pre-fill the time card grid with 10 previously used activities. If you enter 0, CORE will no longer pre-fill the time card grid with previously used projects and activities.
Click Save. Note that this is implemented on an individual basis and is not a company-wide setting.