Staying informed with BQE CORE notifications

A simple notification may not seem all that remarkable, but when it comes to your business's essential processes, it can be groundbreaking.

BQE CORE has an impressive notification system that tells you when, for example, a budget or time entry requires your approval, when a task has been allocated to you, or when an estimate is rejected. You can also select reminders for when bills or invoices are past due, a to-do assigned to someone else wasn't completed, or a project doesn't have a sufficient retainer, among many other scenarios.

In the User Settings screen, you can easily choose the notifications and reminders you want to see. Here are just some of the notifications you can pick:


You can receive these alerts through email, CORE Mobile app, or its web version, so no matter how you like to work, you'll stay up to speed. This way, you don't need to search for anything. Instead, the information you need comes to you.