Restricting employees to allocated expenses

Employee has been allocated 4 expense units a project. How do I lock the system so that the employee can enter only 4 units against that project?

This can be achieved by the following:

  1. Open the Allocation & Forecasting screen in BQE CORE.
  2. In the Show: Employee mode, assign 4 units to an employee against the selected project and expense item.
  3. Make sure the Start date is set accordingly. Click Done. Check Allocate Tasks to Employees for details.

We now need to apply a rule to this project:

  1. Open the Projects screen and select the relevant project on the grid.
  2. In its detail view, go to the Settings > Assignment tab.
  3. Click Add Rule and select the rule: Prevent expense entry after reaching allocated units.
  4. Click Add and save the information. Check Assign Rules to Projects for details.
  5. To test if this works, go to the Expense Entries screen.
  6. Filter the data by the relevant employee and project.
  7. Try entering more expenses than the allocated value, i.e., 5 units. On clicking Save, you are notified about the exceeding units and cannot save the entry.