Employee has been allocated 4 expense units a project. How do I lock the system so that the employee can enter only 4 units against that project?
This can be achieved by the following:
- Open the Allocation & Forecasting screen in BQE CORE.
- In the Show: Employee mode, assign 4 units to an employee against the selected project and expense item.
- Make sure the Start date is set accordingly. Click Done. Check Allocate Tasks to Employees for details.
We now need to apply a rule to this project:
- Open the Projects screen and select the relevant project on the grid.
- In its detail view, go to the Settings > Assignment tab.
- Click Add Rule and select the rule: Prevent expense entry after reaching allocated units.
- Click Add and save the information. Check Assign Rules to Projects for details.
- To test if this works, go to the Expense Entries screen.
- Filter the data by the relevant employee and project.
- Try entering more expenses than the allocated value, i.e., 5 units. On clicking Save, you are notified about the exceeding units and cannot save the entry.