In BQE CORE, when generating reports, you may see two similar options for date ranges: Last Bi-Weekly and Last 2 Weeks. While they often show the same dates, there is an important difference depending on your company settings.
- Last 2 Weeks: Shows the last two full weeks, based on your First Day of the Week setting in Settings > Company > Work Time.
Last Bi-Weekly: Bi-weekly means every two weeks. This setting shows the most recent or last completed bi-weekly period, based on your First Day of the Bi-Weekly Period setting in Settings > Company > Work Time.
When both the settings are configured to the same day, for example, Sunday, then Last 2 Weeks and Last Bi-Weekly will display the same date range on your reports. However, if the day differs, the date ranges will vary. For instance, if the First Day of the Week is set to Monday and the First Day of the Bi-Weekly Period is set to Sunday, and today is Wednesday, November 13, then the Last 2 Weeks option would cover the full two weeks from Monday, October 28, to Sunday, November 10. On the other hand, the Last Bi-Weekly range would cover the most recent bi-weekly period, from Sunday, October 27, to Saturday, November 9.
Understanding these settings and their impact on the date ranges ensures that you generate reports that accurately reflect your company's specific configuration.